В первом наборе 180 самых необходимых и простых фраз и выражений в повседневной жизни. Расположены по частотности использования, сначала самые употребляемые.
(252KB) (10Mb) Звук Mp3 Приветствия 1. — How are you (today)? Ответ (жаловаться не принято): 4. — Very well, thank you. What's the news?
How are you doing / feeling? How’s your mother / sister? – Nothing / Not too much 9. How are you getting on? How do you do? – How do you do? Прощаемся 11.
Хочу выучить английский язык. Кто- нть может дать ссылку на на аудиоуроки в mp. Компьютерная программа 6000 самых используемых английских слов! Слушай и качай Английские.
(later / tomorrow / next Monday) 13. Have a nice evening / weekend / day 14. (неформ.) 16. Stay out of trouble! Заходите, проходите 17.
Come in, please! (I am) Glad to see you. Ответная радость: Me too. Make yourself at home! I’m sorry, I’m late. I got stuck in a traffic jam (in the city center).
The public transportation’s awful. You’re on time/in time. I appreciate it / your help / your time. Thanks a lot! Седивитакс инструкция. Пожалуйста 28. You’re welcome! (That's) All right!
It was my pleasure! Don't mention it! How is the weather?
Do you like the weather? The weather is fine. It is raining / snowing / cold / hot / warm / fine / windy / hailing 37.
It’s getting warm / cold. I like sunbathing. Знакомимся 39.
(I’m) Glad to meet you, Natasha! What’s your name? Nice to meet you, Albert!
Where are you from? Where do you come from? What do you do (for a living)? Работа с материалами 45.
Open your books! Close your books / folders!
Unit / chapter / page number 48. Read it / Translate / Repeat 49. Once more / again please 50. Write down / Cross out / Underline 51. Misprint Скажите, расскажите, объясните 52. Would you tell me? Say it in English 54.
Don’t speak Russian 55. Any questions?
I have a question / some questions 58. May I ask you a question? Не понимаю, не знаю, помедленнее 59. I don’t understand. I didn’t catch it. I don’t know.
Could you explain it? Slow down, please. Would you speak more slowly?
What does it mean? / What is it? What do you mean?
Can you help me (with) 69. How can I call it?
How can I say it in English? Would you say it again? 10 minutes left. What’s the time?
Ветеринары связывают подобные случаи с несбалансированным питанием. Инструкция по использованию.
What time is it now? That’s it / all. Let’s go / Go ahead 79. (It) doesn’t matter 80. They say. — говорят Работа в классе 81. Fill gaps / blanks 82. Can you imagine?
Go on / Continue, please / Don’t stop 86. Listen to me / Look 87. Look at me / at the board 88. (Have) You finished?
I’d like to tell you / ask you 90. Tell me pleaseabout / how/ 91. Try to guess. He caught attention (by waving) 95. Never ever (do it) 96. Take it easy! Stop talking!
Поздравляем 100. I wish you all the best / to be happy 101. Sounds great! Wonderful news! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy birthday to you!
Logitech quickcam sphere af цена. I congratulate you on passing exams/birthday! My congratulations! Have a safe trip home!
Help yourself! Стыдно, жаль, простите 113. Shame on you!
What a shame. I’m terribly sorry. Здоровье 118. Have you recovered? I was ill / sick. I got a cold.
I’ll do my best. Say Hi to your mom for me. Несогласие 125. I can't agree with you. I don't think so!
/ (Are you) kidding? Certainly not. Of course (not). I can’t believe it! That can't be true. Maybe, but I’m not sure.
Мягкие ругательства, раздражение 133. Don’t shout at me! (I) Can’t help it! Get out of here! / Get away from me! Leave me alone!
Give me a break! Ridiculous 141. Don’t be stupid! Are you crazy? По моему мнению 145. Well, I would say 146. I believe 148.
It seems to me 150. In my opinion. (As far) As I know. I see your point, but. I understand you, but. I don’t agree 155.
Тем не менее 156. By the way – Между прочим 157. No way — Невозможно. (Без вариантов.) Молодец / Согласие 158. Good for you! Things take time.
I missed you. It’s up to you. By heart 170. Enjoy your meal / holiday! Give me a hug / Let me give you a hug! Over here / there 173. Right over there 174.
Here you go / are. Let me tell you 176. Let me explain 177.
Say it another way, please. If I were you (I wouldn’t do it) 179.
As soon as possible (ASAP) для самых начинающих (более 4-х часов видео материалов).