ГИА, Английский язык, Тренировочные задания, 9 класс, Эванс В., 2011 ГИА, Английский язык, Тренировочные задания, 9 класс, Эванс В., 2011. Учебное пособие с аудиоприложением содержит 8 вариантов тестов в формате ГИА для 9 класса по английскому языку. Пособие поможет максимально эффективно обеспечить подготовку учащихся к итоговой аттестации.

  1. Гиа По Английскому Тренировочные Задания
  2. Говорение Гиа Английский 2016 Тренировочные Задания

Купить и читать: ГИА, Английский язык, Тренировочные задания, 9 класс, Эванс В., 2011.

Прочитайте текст о Зубной фее. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Игру ямакаси на компьютер. За сутки им необходимо собрать огромную сумму денег, чтобы спасти маленького Джамеля, который срочно нуждается в донорском сердце.

While you are asleep she comes to your room in the middle of the night. She is small with wings and she can fly. She takes the tooth you have left under the pillow and leaves a small amount of money. She quickly disappears with the tooth. This is the myth of the Tooth Fairy.

Children get their first visit when they are aged between 5 and 7 and losing their first teeth. Normally, by the age of 12 all of the 20 baby teeth are gone and the Tooth Fairy no longer appears. In medieval times it was the custom in many parts of the world to celebrate the loss of a baby tooth with some kind of ritual. For example, the 8th century Vikings had a 'tooth fee', a small gift given to children when they lost a tooth. The tradition of the Tooth Fairy as we know it today, however, with her nightly visits, became popular in America in the early 1900s. She has been the subject of various books, films and even a radio series.

In the USA Tooth Fairy Day is celebrated on 28th February. Contents Practice Test 1 p.

5 Practice Test 2 p. 11 Practice Test 3 p. 17 Practice Test 4 p. 23 Practice Test 5 p.

Английский язык. Тренировочные задания. Вирджиния Эванс и др. Учебное пособие с аудиоприложением содержит 8 вариантов. Здесь вы можете купить, прочитать онлайн или скачать книгу ГИА-2014. Английский язык. Елена Музланова - ОГЭ Английский язык. 20 тренировочных вариантов заданий обложка книги ОГЭ Английский язык. 20 тренировочных вариантов.

Гиа По Английскому Тренировочные Задания


29 Practice Test 6 p. 35 Practice Test 7 p. 41 Practice Test 8 p.

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47 Key to Practice Tests, Listening Tapescripts, Interlocutor's Cards & Speaking Tapescripts p.

Говорение Гиа Английский 2016 Тренировочные Задания

ГИА, Английский язык, 9 класс, Тренировочные задания, Эванс В., 2011 ГИА, Английский язык, 9 класс, Тренировочные задания, Эванс В., 2011. Учебное пособие с аудиоприложением содержит 8 вариантов тестов в формате ГИА для 9 класса по английскому языку. Пособие поможет максимально эффективно обеспечить подготовку учащихся к итоговой аттестации. As you know, we are going on a river cruise on the Thames this afternoon. I would like to give you some information before we set off for central London. The Thames is the most famous river in England and is full of history.

The river is tidal which means that if we travel with the flow of the water in the centre of the river we can go quite fast. For larger vessels, however, if they travel against the flow of the river, they may double their journey time. The level of water also changes according to the tides. The Thames is also home to the Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities which takes place every spring. It is a very popular race with about a quarter of a million people watching from the banks of the river. The two teams race against each other by rowing their boats from Putney to Mortlake. However, they have to take into consideration how fast and rough the water is in the middle of the river.

Sometimes you can go faster when you're not taking advantage of the centre current if it is too strong. The Thames harbours some historic vessels. The one we're going to see today is a replica of the Golden Hind, a 16th century ship captained by Francis Drake. It is believed to be the first English ship to have sailed around the world, a remarkable feat considering how small the ship was. It was on this ship Francis Drake was knighted 'Sir Francis Drake' by Queen Elizabeth I. Contents Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2 Practice Test 3 Practice Test 4 Practice Test 5 Practice Test 6 Practice Test 7 Practice Test 8 Key to Practice Tests Listening Tapescripts Interlocutor's Cards.

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